Schlagwort-Archive: prisoner

(Avispa) Organizations Denounce Criminalization of Imprisoned Zapatista in Chiapas

José Díaz Gómez, Indigenous Ch’ol, support base of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN), has been imprisoned and accused of violent robbery. The Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas Human Rights Center (FRAYBA) pointed out that Díaz, imprisoned in CERSS No. 17, “El Bambú”, in the municipality of Catazajá, in the north of Chiapas, is the victim of criminalization accused of a crime that hasn’t been substantiated.

FRAYBA has documented the human rights violations carried out by Chiapas state police during José Díaz’s detention: executing an illegal and arbitrary detention; engaging in torture; engaging in cruel, inhumane, and degrading conduct; forced disappearance; and holding someone incommunicado.
